Meet Turkey's 'unexpected winners' of Uniswap's UNI giveaway

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Students enrolled in the class "Introduction to Cryptocurrencies" at Turkey's Kadir Has University were the unexpected winners of Uniswap's UNI token distribution on Sept. 17.

Smail Hakkı Polat, one of two lecturers of the class, told Cointelegraph Turkey that all students who, as part of a class project, participated in listing and swapping a token on Uniswap received 400 UNI. In Turkey's local currency, it was valued at roughly 12,000 liras, or around $1,570, which accounts for nearly half the yearly education fee for some students.

Token hunt at the academyAccording to a tweet by Kaya, as part of the course taught in fall 2019, an ERC-20 token called KHAS was issued to allow students to directly experience token trading.

The students created a MetaMask wallet to purchase the token, which was listed on decentralized exchange Uniswap.

Students of the "Crypto 101" course learned how the KHAS tokens can serve eight use cases devised by the group.

The lecturers set up a QR code for the university's merchandise store to receive payments via KHAS, but they did not explain which campus store accepted the token.

400 UNI, but no gas?The winner of the token hunt was Barış Öztürk, a third-year MIS student who chose to take the class due to his interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

All of the students who attended the Introduction to Cryptocurrencies course in fall 2019 and transacted with KHAS tokens on Uniswap woke up on Sept. 17 with 400 UNI in their Ethereum wallets, thanks to Uniswap's distribution of its tokens.

Öztürk claimed his 400 UNI tokens with the help of Kaya.

According to the information shared by Polat with Cointelegraph Turkey, Kadir Has University has also established a "Crypto 102" course in which issuance and coding processes of crypto tokens and smart contracts will be taught.
