Real Bitcoin Double Spends Are Hard, Looking Into Alleged Issue

에 게시 됨 by Cointele | 에 게시 됨

Bitcoin Cash focused firm BitcoinBCH has potentially misled the public into believing that Bitcoin double spends can be easily carried out.

The firm's founder Caleb Yeoh also said that - if many users begin to exploit their system's design - the firm will drop support for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash on-chain transactions in its PoS solution.

While accepting unconfirmed transactions is a major security concern, it is the only way to accept Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash on-chain payments in time-sensitive situations.

Hayden Otto, the person in the video, says merchants should "Immediately cease accepting Bitcoin and switch to Bitcoin Cash.".

This Bitcoin functionality raised criticism because it enables unconfirmed transaction double spends.

Bitcoin claims unconfirmed transaction irreversibilityBCH-centric website recently reported that Bitcoin Cash removed the RBF feature from its code.

"Nothing stops BCH miners from replacing transactions right now, as it's more of a gentlemen's agreement, but once in a while"RBF-like" double spends do happen on the BCH network.

It's important to note RBF is not a protocol consensus feature, it's a node policy that any Bitcoin or Bitcoin cash miner can choose to run and it does not affect the reliability of payments.

Yeoh pointed out that the hashrate distribution gap between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash also influences the security, and plays in Bitcoin's favour.

As Cointelegraph reported in April last year, was accused of misleading buyers into purchasing Bitcoin Cash instead of Bitcoin by presenting the crypto assets in an unusual way.
