Stellar's Version of Bitcoin's Lightning Torch Has Been Burning Quietly Since June

에 게시 됨 by Coindesk | 에 게시 됨

The Stellar blockchain has been running its own version of bitcoin's Lightning Torch since the summer.

Since June 26, Stellar quietly has been passing around its own version of the torch as a simple demo of how easy it is to move money around on the base layer of the proof-of-stake blockchain created by Jed McCaleb.

The torch is currently 1150 XLM, or about $67. Unlike the lightning torch, Arkink says that participants don't always add the same amount to the torch.

Lisa Nestor, director of partnerships at the Stellar Development Foundation, recently passed the torch herself.

The Keybase user could send the Stellar torch to that person's Twitter account.

The whole idea of the Stellar torch is to send it to people who want to receive it first, but Keybase makes it a little easier to bring people in.

If two Twitter friends want to pass the torch but the receiver doesn't have a stellar wallet, Keybase provides a solution.

The Stellar torch doesn't have a pre-defined goal for ending, and it's going beyond just passing the torch around.

The torch's most ambitious challenge to date is getting the torch into the hands of famous people.

The Stellar torch burns on quietly, the way things on Stellar tend to do.
