What Scams? Ethereum's Vision for Apps Is Only Growing Bolder

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Because according to many at the event, dapps are still the key technology for moving ethereum and the blockchain industry as a whole closer to its dream of making the world a better, more free place.

"Ethereum makes no sense if there are no dapps; if there are no dapps running on ethereum then it's just another coin that gets its worth from speculating," he told CoinDesk.

"I think our job, as ethereum developers, is to try to understand what are the dapps doing and what are the dapps not doing, what are the biggest challenges for those dapps, and we need to solve that for them. We serve the dapp developers."

He continued, saying that ethereum has piqued interest from time to time - during the ICO boom, to name one - and it's up to the developers to make sure what ethereum is known for isn't vaporware.

While the dapps eliciting the most conversation right now are those that most developers disregard, still there have been a number of announcements and launches this year displaying that ethereum dapps are making headway.

Because Status offers a free method for communication for those who live behind strict internet firewalls and cannot access conventional social media websites, the dapp has become one that many ethereum developers point to as not just a success, but a necessity.

"We don't realize this shit, but this is the power of a dapp. Dapps are fucking alive."

Part of the new "Humor" - a dark humor -that's emerging from the ethereum dapp ecosystem is the concept of honesty in your bad behavior making that bad behavior somehow charming.

Ethereum dapps developers have come out to criticize the games, contending that the only reason they are popular and causing a stir within the community is that they are easy builds that aren't technologically complex, so work can go into marketing instead of development.

"Bad dapps are popular because they are the easiest to build, and due to the newness still of this technology and hype, people see dollar signs," Fauve Altman, community manager for dapp registry and analytics site, State of the Dapps, told CoinDesk.
