What to Know Tron's BitTorrent Token Airdrop This Week

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The first thing to know about the BitTorrent Token airdrop is that it's not just a one-off event.

There are 990 billion BTT tokens created on the Tron blockchain.

The monthly airdrop will get bigger as time goes on, increasing once every February.

"Think of Tron and BitTorrent like a razor and a blade," Justin Sun, founder of Tron and CEO of BitTorrent, told CoinDesk via a spokesperson.

When the Tron blockchain reaches a block height of 6.6 million, the team will take a snapshot of TRX balances and split up the first airdrop proportionally to all TRX holders.

"We support TRX, TRC-10 tokens, and if you control your keys, you will get an airdrop of BTT," Viktor Radchenko of Trust Wallet confirmed to CoinDesk over Telegram.

With the forthcoming initial BTT airdrop, he said, holders of other TRC-10 tokens are moving to TRX to get the free BTT. "Some people go out and get rid of whatever they have to get the airdrop," he said.

With its long airdrop plan for BTT, Sun's Tron has positioned TRX as the proverbial gift that keeps on giving.

The total monthly airdrop will increase five times over the next few years, ending at 1,402,500,000 BTT per month in February 2025.

"In general, the price of a token can drop much more than what the airdrops are worth," he said, "So this should not be seen as a 'long-term hold' strategy for TRX holders, going by the history of airdrops in the space."
